A number of things went through my head as Aaron hoisted me up the mast the other evening. Is the harness secure? Will the halyard snap? Did we rig the back-up mechanisms properly? And, of course, how totally cool!

Ever on the quest to reduce our energy consumption, we’ll be replacing our existing anchor light with an LED model from this fantastic little Fijian company,
Bebi. They even shipped our order
before we ordered it (courtesy of the international date line – haha). How’s that for speedy shipping?
We’d never been aloft before, and we thought it was high time (sorry) to make the trip. So up I went to do some recon on the current anchor light fixture—and to get a few pictures.
It was a tad scary (especially when I swayed back and forth in a wind gust), but it was worth it. And as it tends to go, next time won’t be nearly as adrenaline-producing.

The view from high atop Bella Star with Golden Gardens beach, Sunset Hill and Puget Sound in the distance.
Very cool pictures! We've had the same scary experience trying to fix our lights. We have a windvane to put up, but are a little hesitant to go up there again!