Monday, June 20, 2011

Port Hardy

By Nicole


We stopped in Port Hardy for a mandatory provisioning trip, knowing that the grocery store here would be our last for awhile.  We’re only a few days away from rounding Cape Scott and turning south to explore the rugged Pacific coast of Vancouver Island. 

There’s really not much else to say.  The town was a little depressing, the wi-fi at the marina was down (indefinitely) and the shabby machines at the laundromat ate my loonies*.  But the people were friendly, we managed to find a wi-fi hotspot in a scrapbooking shop (of course) and, above all else, Aaron’s hankering for fast food was quelled with lunch at the A&W. 

*Canadians call their dollar coins “loonies" (because there’s a loon on one side of the coin) and their two dollar coins “twonies” (because it’s cute).

1 comment:

  1. As I keep reading your posts , I see how much of a p!@#$ you really are. You should stuff that sailboat of yours up your ASS


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