Friday, July 8, 2011

Socializing in the Bunsbys

By Nicole

Soggy day heading south from the BunsbysNorthwesterners like to joke that summer doesn’t start until after the 4th of July.  I don’t know what it’s doing back in Seattle, but we’re having monsoon season here on Vancouver Island.  Holy crap, has it rained a lot in the last week (and that’s coming from someone who’s lived in Washington for 30 years).

Despite the extra-soggy conditions (or maybe because of it) the Bunsby Islands proved to be a hotspot for socializing. 

Our friends on s/v Estrellita met us there, so of course we spent lots of time with them playing games, hatching plans to get ourselves to Mexico ASAP and drinking killer mulled wine (which fit perfectly with the whole “Christmas in July” weather we were having).

We also shared the anchorage with Rosmond, Slip Stream II and My Wind Song, the three boats we’ve been leap-frogging down the coast with.  They’re a great bunch of people, and Rosmond was even nice enough to invite the whole crowd over for a rainy day happy hour – good times!  (Ladies, as promised, the recipe for the cheese straws is below!)

I’m sure the Bunsbys are lovely in sunny, settled weather, but when we heard the forecast call for a break in the southerly gale-force winds, we waved goodbye to Estrellita and made a run for it.  Of course the forecast was wrong (SW 20+ knots instead of W 10 knots), but we pushed on through the driving, sting-your-eyeballs rain to Kyuquot.  If we’re lucky, the rain will be gone by tomorrow – although as I write this, it’s still a few days until July 4th, so I’m not holding my breath…

Cheese Straws

These cheesy, salty, crunchy snacks are the perfect happy hour nibble – and they satisfy my Cheez-It craving.  (Adapted from Smitten Kitchen)

1 ½ cups finely grated extra-sharp Cheddar cheese (or try a blend of Cheddar and Parmesan)
4 tablespoons butter, cut into small pieces
3/4 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon coarse sea salt or kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon cold water

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

In a large bowl, add cheese, butter, flour, salt and red pepper flakes. Using a pastry blender (or two forks), combine until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Add water and knead 5 or 6 times to bring the mixture together into a ball. The dough can be refrigerated at this point, wrapped in plastic, for a day or so.

On a lightly floured surface, roll the dough into a thin rectangle, about 8” x 10” and no more than 1/4” thick. Using a floured pizza wheel (or a sharp knife), slice the dough into strips (anywhere from 1/4” to 1/2” wide and as long as you like). Transfer to the parchment-lined baking sheet, leaving 1/4” between pieces. If desired, sprinkle lightly with sea salt.

Bake at 350 for 14-16 minutes, or until very pale golden brown. Transfer to a cooling rack. Store for a day or two in an airtight container.

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