Monday, November 22, 2010


It’s getting pretty chilly!


Definitely the kind of day that makes us want to sail off into the tropics…

We took a short walk around the marina, then came back and tried to throw snowballs into the cockpit of s/v Hello World across the water from us.


  1. That hurts just to look at! I think if I was in Seattle right now I'd be holed up in the Bathtub Gin Co. bar... You guys stay warm!!

  2. What is all that white stuff? It cooled down here in Colombia quite a bit this month. I was complaining when it got down to 80 degrees and had to turn the fans off. I'm no longer going to complain about it being cold here.... Hope you're staying warm!!

    Damon and David

  3. Crazy as it may seem I think that photo looks beautiful! It could have to do with the fact that you are in it ;-) and that we haven't had much snow in Denver yet!



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