Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Waddington Bay

By Aaron

From Port McNeill we crossed back over Queen Charlotte Strait and dropped the hook in Waddington Bay, all alone again.  It’s a just-the-right-size spot with plenty of islets to explore.


Places like this make our goal of landing on 100 islands or islets within our first 100 days very achievable.  Exploring islets is pretty much our job now, so we got to work.  We spent the day hopping from one to another…






If you’ve ever wondered why some starfish stay behind when the tide goes out, it’s obviously because they want someone to come along and pet them.


My policy is to stay away – they sure look a lot like the things that leap onto your face in the Aliens movies, and better safe than sorry.

We added about five islands to the list.  We could have done more, but it’s exhausting work and happy hour arrives early on Bella Star, so we had to make our way back to the boat. 

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